September 30, 2012

Hollinshead Hall Well, Lancashire

The rain lashed down as we crawled along the Tockholes Road looking for the car park alluded to in a our research. Not what you'd call perfect well-hunting weather, but it didn't put a dampener on our enthusiasm. After parking up, we followed a track through the woods in the direction I guessed we would find the well house. The rain was so heavy now that the track downhill actually had streams of water running down it. Reaching the bridge at the bottom, we saw - just uphill - the ruins of Hollinshead Hall and a handy signboard with historical info and a map. The well house was visible just up the slope, in amongst the trees, and we scrambled our way up to it.

Note mysterious hooded figure.

The overcast sky meant it was pretty dark inside the well house, so hard to take a decent photo through the barred side windows. You can just make out the lion's head which the waters are meant to emerge from.

Scrambling up the slope to the side of the building, we found what is suspected to be the original holy well.

We had a poke around the ruins of the old hall for a bit, as the rain had eased off, and then headed back to the car park, avoiding packs of hounds and live role-players on the way.

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